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Varian's Dreamcatcher

Varian's Dreamcatcher

Varian's Dreamcatcher

Varian's Dreamcatcher


Artwork. That single word sums up this area, where I display and share various elements of my digital creations. My artistic drive doesn't lead me solely to digital items, but they are the easiest items for me to present via the Web.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamvision
These are my galleries of fine and illustrative artwork, created on the computer. I got my first decent paint program in 1994, and these items were all made since that time. This page also links to other art galleries around my site, so that all are reachable from here.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamtiles - (offline temporarily)
One of the most attractive parts of Windows and the web for me is the instant tiling effect. I love making repeating patterns and tesselations and I also enjoy playing with colors and textures, so background tiles for the desktop or the web is a natural.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamview collaborative
I really enjoy the idea of people working together, yet individually, towards a common goal...and having fun in the process. The results can be quite delightful, too. So I am creating an area where artists can have a bit of that sort of fun.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamstationery
With the arrival of Outlook Express, a new genre of stationery opened. I really enjoy having the added benefit of colors and designs in e-mail, and working with the stationery has given me an arena in which to learn more about my digital tools.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamtools & toys - (coming)
Speaking of tools, this section was formed to help answer questions about the graphic programs and utilities I use most often.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreameffects
Blade Pro is an awesome and inexpensive plug-in. As I continue to create new settings for its use, this section inevitably rose in my desire to share those settings with other users of the program.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamdesign
The tech of today makes it possible for anyone to create their own original artwork, whether they're able to "draw" or not. Everyone needs to begin somewhere, and this section is my contribution to beginners who have the interest but aren't sure what steps to take.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamvista 3D
Galleries of intriguing landscapes and skyscapes images rendered with the Terragen program. Interior renderings with Ray Dream Studio are also scheduled to be added. See how real digital imagery can be.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreammodels 3D
Gotta love computers and 3D views. I began making models of assorted items just for the fun of it, and wouldn't you know they'd end up being offered from my website along with surface shaders for Ray Dream Studio.

Varian's Dreamcatcherdreamtubes
If you use Paint Shop Pro v.5.01 or higher, you'll enjoy these original paint tubes I put together for my own purposes and am sharing with others. Just can't have too many tubes.






Varian's Dreamcatcher

Varian's Dreamcatcher
is Copyright ©2001 by Varian.
All rights are reserved;
none of this material is to be redistributed
on the Web or in any other form
without prior consultation with
and permission from the author.
Exceptions to this statement,
granting additional limited rights
for particular selected elements,
are noted and detailed
in context with those particular elements.

Dreaming on the WorldWide Web since 1995.