[spacer] Varian's Dreamview

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Varian's DreamVision


This gallery contains only the most recent (or most favorite) of my digital works in this category that I have chosen to display, up to a total of 20 images. Items will be rotated beyond that point as newer ones are included.


Everywhere you turn, you can find images of space ships and interstellar battles. While I enjoy viewing the better examples of the genre, space scenes in general have not had much personal attraction for me. Until Steve Hancock proposed the Solar System Tourist project (see the link below), I had only made a few, most of which were offline on canvas. Steve's idea of using Terragen as the root program for views from our solar system's moons captured my imagination, particularly when I learned I could work on all the moons of Neptune, a favored planet.

Select the thumbnail to view a larger version.












I relied mainly on Terragen and Universe for the creation of these images, but I use other programs as well. For more info and software links, please visit my Dreamview: DreamTools & Toys section.

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To view larger versions (800x600) of my Neptune moons series as well as additional moons and planets by other talented Terragen artists, please visit the Solar System Tourist.
visit the Solar System Tourist

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Varian's Dreamview: DreamVision is a portion of Varian's Dreamcatcher and is Copyright ©2003 by Varian.
All rights are reserved.

Varian's Dreamview contains original creations. None of this material is to be redistributed on the Web or in any other form without prior consultation with and express permission from the author. Exceptions to this statement, granting additional limited rights for particular selected elements, are noted and detailed in context with those particular elements.

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Varian's Dreamcatcher

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