Behind The Dreamtech

Page Sizing
My pages are designed on a 17" monitor using 800 x 600 resolution. When I work on my webpages, I keep the windows in an un-maximized state, so persons running 640x480 shouldn't need to sideways-scroll to view them, and (with a few exceptions I couldn't avoid) none of my text areas extend wider than 610 pixels. Incidentally, if you're using 640x480 on a small screen, try setting your primary browser font to 14-point; I know it helped make the entire Web look better for me at that resolution when viewing Times New Roman text. Alternately, you may want to switch your primary browser font to Georgia; it makes a big difference, even at higher resolutions.

In the beginning, most of my webwork started off as humble Notepad files. As it has grown and become more complex, I've returned to AOLPress for tweaking and update maintainence. AOLPress (formerly known as NaviPress) is the most convenient WYSIWYG HTML editor around and is freeware. The current version (2.0) isn't quite up to all the HTML 3.2 tags much less HTML 4.0, so it means working directly with the code quite a bit, but the program's interface still makes the overall job a lot easier to manage. It has a few traits I'd prefer to live without, but until I find something that handles the best parts even better, I'm sticking with it. I validate my codes and setup with the to keep them up to snuff with HTML 4.0. (I make exceptions for the <CENTER> tag at times; web ring fragments are beyond my control most usually, but if they are very offensive, I simply won't join that ring. I will also occasionally add a tag that doesn't interfere with non-supportive browsers, such as BORDERCOLOR.) Other programs I rely upon to assist with coding include MetaTag Master, Sitewide Guide and TrayColor.

You'll find no Java, Shockwave, Flash, ActiveX, DirectX or AnyX on this domain, and I don't give cookies.

Frames are great for getting things set up, but something of a bear for maintaining. I have used them previously, but my site is now a frames-free zone.

My pages are all silent but one, although I'm not opposed to sound; I just haven't had the time to put together what I'd want. I'm still experimenting and looking into the copyright issues.

If you're using Mosaic or Lynx, you may see odd little dots scattered on a few pages. These are periods I've inserted to act as anchors outside tables (virtually invisible with <FONT> colored text). I also apologize for the assorted non-breaking space codes appearing where they don't belong. My editor inserts them on a whim, and I don't always catch up with clearing them out.

Browser Specifics
Before I leave my pages to rest on the Web waiting for you to drop by, I used to view them through six different browsers to make sure they displayed correctly. That's just way too much work and a waste of my drive space to keep all those browsers installed, so now I just stick close to HTML 4.0, support the Web Standards Project, and am proud to design my site for use in Any Web Browser. If you are using the AOL browser, be sure to change your preferences to turn automatic compression of graphics off. No matter how accurate the code, AOL's default compression will spoil a good page design...which you've probably already noticed.

My pages feature alternate fonts, all available FREE via the web, including my own designs. For more information about font usage on the web, to download the Microsoft Core TrueType Web fonts for Mac/PC, and to download my original web fonts, please visit Varian's Dreamfonts. For more tips related to using alternate fonts, visit my Web Fonts Reference area. I do not utilize CSS as yet because the browser people haven't gotten their acts together to support it decently.

The colors I elect to use on my pages are not the typical black on white or white on black that you see in the majority of pages around the Web. They're more unique in the same way that I'm unique and these are, after all, my pages. I need color and plenty of it in order to express myself in my own little corner of the Web, but I typically develop my pages so that they can still be read even if the background graphic doesn't load or if your browser doesn't support colored table cells. The colors look best at 16-bit or higher resolutions, but also display well in Netscape's 8-bit palette.

The images I use on my pages are all original, including page graphics, unless I've credited them otherwise. They are not displayed for the taking; they belong to me, and that's what ©COPYRIGHT means. If you see something on my pages you'd like to use on yours and it isn't specifically labeled as part of my content offering, then ask me. It only takes a simple e-mail, not an arm or a leg, and my address is at the bottom of every page. Exceptions to this are specific images that I'm intentionally offering as shareware or freeware, but each of those is clearly marked as such and accompanied by a download link. If you're unsure, chances are it is not offered for your use. So don't just take it; ask me. I support the Grey Day principle.

I generally use plenty of graphics around my site but keep them small and quick by reducing the palettes, using the right formats and reducing bytes wherever I can. Alternate text is included for all, and relative links are used copiously to avoid unnecessary or duplicate caching.

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