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Vue Explorations



Pouring Water

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Using the terrain tools, you can create a number of useful objects that are otherwise difficult to procure. Pouring or flowing water is an element that will be helpful for you over and over again. The effect is actually very easy to achieve!
1 - Open a New file in Vue d'Esprit and select any atmosphere.

2 - Move to Layer 2. Right-click on the Terrain icon. Uncheck the fractal options if necessary. You can set the size for 256x256 here, or use the increase size option on the next screen.

3 - Upon reaching the terrain screen, you should have a blank area to start with, set to a size of 256x256.

4 - Set the Raise tool to a smallish diameter, a size that will be easy for you to work with (which will depend on your particular project).

5 - Draw the basic line of flow that you want the water to take. Keep in mind that one side of this (the "bottom" of the terrain) will be flat, so choose your perspective using the direction you'll want for your camera angle.

6 - Trace over the same line of flow 3-4 times. It's not important to trace the line precisely; in fact, you want to vary the spacing a little. Take care, however, not to widen or raise the line too far.

"pour" terrain example

7 - When you're satisfied with the drawing, use Diffuse once or twice, then raise the Clip level to remove all unused portions of the terrain square and return to the main Vue screens.

8 - Now set your "pour" object into place (keeping the flat portion directed away from the camera). Apply a water material to it. Add a couple more objects and render your pouring water.

pouring example