
Varian's Dreamfare

Kye 96-1


This file contains six Kye levels (screen shots below) for your enjoyment. You may freely distribute the file to share with friends, but do not separate the levels or add them into any other collections. Thanks. Have fun!

Download var96-1.kye

This file contains the following six levels:

611 Variety
611 Variety

612 Here & There
612 Here & There

613 Trap
613 Trap

614 Onward
614 Onward

615 Nuisances
615 Nuisances

616 Tedium
616 Tedium


Varian's Dreamfare

Varian's Dreamfare: DreamLevels is a portion
of Varian's Dreamcatcher

and is Copyright ©2001 by Varian.
All rights are reserved;
none of this material is to be redistributed
on the Web or in any other form
without prior consultation with
and permission from the author.
Exceptions to this statement,
granting additional limited rights
for particular selected elements,
are noted and detailed
in context with those particular elements.

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Varian's Dreamcatcher