Varian's Dreamview

Varian's DreamVision Galleries

Still Life

Floral Bouquet


Tools: Mavica, Prismacolor pencils

After being almost exclusively digital for nearly a decade, I was strongly craving the feel of pencil on paper again. Still, I also love the digital work, so I wanted to find a way to bring them both together. "Floral Bouquet" is a result of one such inter-merging experiment.

Floral Bouquet process steps

It began with a digital photograph of some decorative paper flowers. In my paint program, I worked with gamma and brightening to fade the photo immensely, leaving the faintest of impressions. Then it was printed, in its very pale state. I proceeded to enjoy myself with the hard copy, using my treasured Prismacolors for the first time in ages. When I was satisfied with the work, the pencil image was scanned back into the computer.

A very convoluted and strange process, but it was also rather cool. :)

