[spacer] [spacer] [spacer] [spacer] Varian's Dreamview

Dreamview Collaborative
Generations Project Gallery


Generation: 0-0 [Parent]
Child of: N/A
Artist: Varian
Homepage: http://www.varian.net/
Date: 03/99
Title: "New World Emerging"
Artist's Comments:

Creating the Parent for the Generations Project meant that I was able to work from a blank canvas. I concentrated on the mood or feeling I hope to generate with this particular project, that of a new world or vision emerging with each new contributor's input. I wanted to include several elements, both realistic and abstract, to provide plenty of room for inspiration for the artists who will follow.
    In creating this image, I made use of Poser, Terragen, Paint Shop Pro, Kai's Power Tools, FM Tile Tools, Fantastic Machines Paint Engine, and an assortment of other filters. I love the image, and in many ways it feels like a self-portrait -- though I'm not what you'd call "buffed," Heck, I sit at a computer all day! <grin>

